Range Extensions of Three Endemic Snake-Skinks (Scincidae: Ophiomorus) in Iran

Soheil Sami, Barbod Safaei-Mahroo, Hanyeh Ghaffari


Herein we report three new records of Ophiomorus nuchalis, O. persicus, and O. streeti that considerably extend the known global distribution. Ophiomorus streeti: a new record is the second record of the species and extends its distribution 235 km and is a new record for Kerman Province. Ophiomorus nuchalis: a new record represents the northwesternmost for the species and extends its distribution 120 km and is the only record for Alborz Province. Ophiomorus persicus: a new record represents the southeasternmost locality and broadens its distribution 100 km and is a new record for Hormozgan Province. Moreover, the known distribution is given.


Ophiomorus nuchalis; O. persicus; O. streeti; Zagros Mountains; Central Persian Desert

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2017-24-4-329-332


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