New Data on Habitats and Distribution of the Caucasian Agama, Paralaudakia caucasia (Eichwald, 1831) in Dagestan

Liudmila Mazanaeva, Natalia Borisovna Ananjeva


The new data on the distribution and habitats of the Caucasian agama in Dagestan are described and analyzed in this report. In 2004 – 2014 36 new localities were recorded during multiple visits in all parts of the mountainous Dagestan and all previously reported 14 records were confirmed. The Caucasian agama refers to a group of mountain petrophilous lizards; its habitats in Dagestan as well within the whole vast distribution range are associated with the arid foothills and mountainous landscapes. Approximate area of the regional area was calculated using Arc Gis 10. We provide a description of typical habitats in every region of Dagestan: in the Lowland part and in three physiographic regions of mountain Dagestan: Extramountain (foothill), Intramountain and Alpine (highmountain) regions characterized by diversity and mosaic of landscapes.


Sauria; agamid lizards; Paralaudakia caucasia; Dagestan; distribution; habitats

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