Four New Localities for the Endangered Kurdistan Newt Neurergus derjugini (Nesterov, 1916) (Amphibia: Salamandridae) in Kermanshah Province, Western Iran

Shahriar Mawloudi, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani


Neurergus derjugini is a mountain brook-dwelling newt which is distributed in mid Zagros Mountain Ranges in Iran and Iraq. During extensive fieldwork in northwestern regions of Kermanshah province, western Iran, four new localities have been found for this endangered species. All localities located in Paweh county and they filled previous range gaps for N. derjugini. Three localities located in high elevation above 1750 m and this is higher than normal habitat elevation for this newt which is around 1300 – 1500 m. Fortunately, all newly-found localities are remote from populated areas and thus they nourish hopes for N. derjugini protection and conservation.


Neurergus derjugini; Salamandridae; New localities; Conservation; Kermanshah; Paweh

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