Genetic Structure of Salamandra inframaculata Martens, 1885 in Kurdistan Province, Western Iran

Nabi Ahsani, Mohammad Kaboli, Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani, Mahmood Karami


Salamandra inframaculata is a member of the Salamandridae family that is distributed in the Near and Middle East. The taxonomic status of the Iranian population was not clear with respect to other subspecies and populations in its distribution range. In this study, we collected 16 samples of the species from the west of Iran and compared with the previously published results. Our results revealed that the Iranian and the easternmost populations from southeastern Turkey clustered together and could be assigned to the subspecies S. i. semenovi. The Taurus population from Turkey belongs to the subspecies S. i. orientalis. Populations from Hatay (Turkey) and Israel are included in the nominal subspecies, S. i. inframaculata. Populations from southeastern Turkey created a monophyletic clade that apparently could represent a new subspecies.


Salamandra inframaculata; D-loop marker; genetic distance

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