Blood Cell Counts and Sizes of Some Anurans from Turkey

Çiğdem Gül, Cemal Varol Tok


We determined blood cell counts and sizes of Rana ridibunda, Rana dalmatina, Bufo viridis, Bufo bufo, Hyla arborea, and Pelobates syriacus, examining 72 specimens (33 males, 39 females) of species collected from Çanakkale Province of Turkey. For the blood cell counts and sizes, a sexual dimorphism was lacking in the species studied. The lowest erythrocytes count was found in R. ridibunda, the largest one in B. viridis. The smallest erythrocytes were found in P. syriacus and the largest ones in R. ridibunda. Semiaquatic and hydrophilous species had lower erythrocyte count in comparison with terrestrial ones.


Rana ridibunda; Rana dalmatina; Bufo viridis; Bufo bufo; Hyla arborea; Pelobates syriacus; Anura; blood cells

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