The First Report of an Ovarian Cyst in the Bosca’s Newt, Lissotriton boscai (Lataste, 1879)

Andreia Garcês, Isabel Pires, Vanessa Soeiro, Sara Lóio, Anabela Pereira, Paula Rodrigues, Filipe Silva


The Bosca’s newt (Lissotriton boscai) is a small species of newt from the family Salamandridae, endemic in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. Reproductive disorders in amphibians are not common and are poorly described. The newt, an adult female, originated from the Espiríto Santo creek in Miramar (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal), was admitted to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre of the Biologic Park of Gaia in November 2017, with a dilatation on the left side, and difficulties in swimming and diving. Radiologic exam revealed an oval hypoechoic structure on the left side of the celomic cavity that compresses internal organs and causes spine deviation. In post mortem exam, the cranial portion of the left ovary presented an oval structure with 112 × 53 mm, of a translucid whitish-pink coloration containing a serous-like fluid. At histopathologic examination an ovarian luteinized cyst was diagnosed. It is the first time this type of lesion has been described in amphibians. In this animals, female’s reproductive problems are quite rare, with only a few cases reported, mostly in captivity animals. This report is important to improve the knowledge on reproductive pathology in amphibians, especially in the Bosca’s newt and evidence the importance of the post mortem exam in captive and wild amphibians.


amphibian; the Boscaґs newt; Lissotriton boscai; pathology; ovarian cyst

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