The Allelic Variants in Microsatellite Loci and Phylogenetic Relationships of Darevskia rudis (Bedriaga, 1886) and D. bithynica (Méhely, 1909) Based on Mitochondrial DNA in Turkey

Halime Koç, Bilal Kutrup, Ufuk Bülbül, Muammer Kurnaz


The spiny-tailed lizard, which has a series of taxonomic revisions, is one of the most common lizard species in Turkey. In this study, sequence data derived from three microsatellite loci (Du215, Du281, and Du323), two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and Cyt-b) genes and combined data were used to evaluate the taxonomic status of Darevskia rudis and Darevskia bithynica with new samples from all subspecies populations in Turkey. Our results indicated that the genetic variations of microsatellite loci were not specific to populations within species, and only minor differences separated D. rudis and D. bithynica populations. Furthermore, the markers we used for phylogenetic analyses (NJ, ML, MP, and BI) produced topologically similar trees based on 16S rRNA and Cyt-b while the combined data produced conflicting trees with the separate gene analyses. Finally, the basal relationships among the populations in Turkish populations D. rudis and D. bithynica were not resolved with this dataset, and we found a hard polytomy at the basis of the phylogeny.


hard polytomy; Cyt-b; Anatolia; microsatellite; genetic diversity; 16S rRNA

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