Cryobanking of Amphibian Genetic Recourses in Russia: Past and Future

Victor K. Uteshev, Edith N. Gakhova, Ludmila I. Kramarova, Natalia V. Shishova, Svetlana A. Kaurova, Robert K. Browne


In modern biology, a search for efficient and safe ways of long-term storage of animal genomes is vital for the survival of rare and endangered species. To date, the only reliable method of prolonging the preservation of genome is deep freezing of somatic and reproductive cells, including spermatozoa. Here we overview the current state of reproductive technologies and present the cryopresevation strategies of genetic material of selected amphibian species. These strategies were developed at the Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia. Cryopreservation could help managing the threatened populations of amphibian species through genome storage and mediate the production of healthy animals from the stored material.


cryobanking; cryopeservation; amphibian; reproductive material

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