History of Study, Taxonomy, Distribution, and Ecology of Phrynocephalus nasatus Golubev et Dunayev, 1995 (Reptilia: Agamidae)

Evgeniy A. Dunayev


Herein we provide a historical overview of the study of Phrynocephalus nasatus, a species that has been known by poorly preserved type materials only, collected by A. I. Wilkins in Aksu region, China, in 1883. Information on species ecology and distribution is given for the first time in 130 years. The species range consists of disjunct areas which are divided by river valleys covering 4000 km2, at the altitude of 2000 m a.s.l., in the eastern spurs of the Jengish Chokusu mountain. Ph. nasatus prefers clay-gravel biotopes with scattered vegetation. This species differs from Ph. axillaris, with which it was erroneously synonymized lately, by the utricular nasal scales (the trait is absent in all other species of this genera) and at least 23 other traits. The intravital coloration is described.


toad-headed agama; Phrynocephalus nasatus; China; Wilkins; range; systematics; diagnostics; ecology

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2020-27-2-87-96


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