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Death Feigning (Thanatosis) Behavior of Long-Legged Cricket Frog Minervarya syhadrensis (Annandale, 1999): Northern Western Ghats

Ningappa C. Hiragond, Rahul N. Patil, Suvarna S. Dhumale, Dilip L. Bharmal


We report death feigning (thanatosis) behavior in the frog, Minervarya syhadrensis from Northern Western Ghats. The southern cricket frog, M. syhadrensis exhibits death feigning behavior for 2 – 5 min as a secondary defensive mechanism to avoid predation. During death feigning behavior the frog remains immobile and doesn’t show any distress call.


Anura; death feigning; thanatosis; Minervarya syhadrensis; Western Ghats

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