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Trophic Ecology of Post-Metamorphic Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872) in Coastal Wetlands of Southern Brazil (Hylidae: Dendropsophini)

Sônia Huckembeck, Raúl Maneyro, Daniel Loebmann, Alexandre Miranda Garcia


Dendropsophus minutus is a hylid widely distributed in the Neotropics. Although this species is classified as «least concern», some populations are being affected by the advance of various anthropic activities. Despite previous studies on the biology of the species, some aspects of its trophic ecology are still unknown. We used stomach content analysis (SCA) and stable isotope analysis (SIA) to identify diet, trophic position and the primary food sources and preys that support a post-metamorphic population of D. minutus in the coastal plain of extreme southern Brazil. SCA revealed that Diptera (%PSIRI = 10.16), Hemiptera (%PSIRI = 5.83), and Araneae (%PSIRI = = 1.46) were present in the diet. The primary-producers-based mixing model indicated POM (particulate organic matter) as the main basal carbon source sustaining the analyzed specimens; whereas the prey-based mixing model showed that Hemiptera is the main resource assimilated by the species. Mean trophic position was 2.71, ranging between 2.52 and 2.91.


treefrog; Neotropical; stable isotopes

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