On the Position of the Epicoracoids in Amphibian Arciferal Pectoral Girdles

Valentin G. Borkhvardt, E. B. Ivashintsova


The data presented reject the idea (Borkhvardt 1993) that pressure of the larval limbs, enclosed in the opercular chambers, determines the arrangement of the epicoracoids in anuran arciferal girdles. According to the new hypothesis, the contralateral epicoracoids of amphibian arciferal girdles occupy different horizontal levels because the muscles of the functioning larval right and left limbs pull them with unequal power. In such a situation arcifery indicates that there are right-handers and left-handers among the amphibians.


Amphibia; arciferal girdles; epicoracoid position

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-1994-1-2-114-116


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