Method of the Simplified Evaluation of Genetic Differentiation of the Asian Eremias Lizards (Sauria: Lacertidae)

K. A. Truweller, A. N. Makarov, Valentina F. Orlova


By the PAAG electrophoretic spectra of Coomassi-stained 61 – 73 bands from 4 «tissues» (heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, liver proteins) for each of 17 specimens representing at least 3 or 4 species, (Eremias vermiculata Blanf., E. przewalskii Str., E. sp. and E. multiocellata Gunther) were compared. Most of the specimens were collected in Mongolia. Their tree, based on several measures of genetic distances, showed the order of the species listed above, with E. sp., the closest to the point ofidivergency,iandisituatedibetweeniE. przewalskii and the specimen of E. multiocellata from several localities and biotypes. The genetic similarity of the biotypes of the last species is discussed in regard with other data on the body size and proportions, pholidosis, coloration.


Lacertidae; Eremias; systematics; Mongolia; evaluation of genetic differentiation

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