The Mating Call of the Green Toad, Bufo viridis viridis (Anura, Amphibia), in Kazakhstan

H. Schneider, E. M. Egiasaryan


Mating calls of Bufo v. viridis were recorded from May 11 to May 21, 1990 at a tributary of the Ural River, 11 km distant from Gur’yev, Kazakhstan. The calls are made up of harmonic pulses with a fundamental frequency of 1235 Hz on the average. The number of pulses per call is high. Important call parameters are correlated with the water temperature. Comparison of the calls with those of B. v. viridis in Austria and Israel revealed that the mating calls of the three populations are very similar despite the great distances between the localities.


Bufo v. viridis; mating call; call analysis

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