On Some Mesozoic Turtles of the Fergana Depression (Kyrgyzstan) and Dzhungar Alatau Ridge (Kazakhstan)

L. A. Nessov


Cryptodires Xinjiangchelys tianshanensis, sp. nov. (Xinjiangchelyidae) from the middle Jurassic of Kirghizia, «Trionyx» kyrgyzensis sp. nov. (Trionychidae) from the early Cretaceous of Kyrgyzstan are diagnosed. Piece of carapace of another cryptodire Adocus sp. (Adocidae) from the late Cretaceous of Kazakhstan is described. Turtle X. tianshanensis is one of the oldest known indisputable cryptodires of Asia, «T.» kyrgyzensis is the oldest or one of three oldest species among described trionychids.


fossil turtles; Xinjiangchelyids; Trionychids; new species; Adocids

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-1995-2-2-134-141


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