Evolution of the Bisexual Species of Caucasian Rock Lizards: A Phylogenetic Evaluation of Allozyme Data

Robert W. Murphy, Ilya S. Darevsky, Ross D. MacCulloch, Jinzhong Fu, Larissa A. Kupriyanova


The phylogeny of 12 species of Caucasian rock lizards and ground lizards, genus Lacerta, subgenus Archaeolacerta, was determined from allozyme data. Three additional species of Lacerta formed the outgroup. Of the 35 loci resolved, 20 were phylogenetically informative. Permutation tail probabilities calculated using Hennig86 and RandomCladistics and g1 statistics obtained in PAUP revealed significant pattern in the data. Our analysis resolved 12 most parsimonious trees, among which were three well-supported monophyletic groups: 1) (Lacerta alpina, L. caucasica, L. daghestanica) [the L. caucasica group]; 2) (L. mixta, L. saxicola, L. raddei-nairensis) [the L. saxicola group]; and 3) (L. parvula, L. portschinskii (L. valentini, L. rudis)) [the L. rudis group]. The second and third groups formed a clade. The ground lizards L. praticola and L. derjugini were resolved as ingroup members, but their placement in the globally most parsimonious trees was ambiguous. A preferred tree was chosen by alternately pruning L. praticola and L. derjugini from the tree. In doing so, L. praticola was resolved as the sister taxon of the L. caucasica group, and L. derjugini was resolved as the sister taxon of the clade containing the L. saxicola and L. rudis groups. Our results are somewhat congruent with the morphology-based phylogeny of Darevsky (1967).


Reptilia; Lacertidae; Lacerta; Archaeolacerta; phylogeny; systematics; genetics; Caucasus Mountains; allozymes

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-1996-3-1-18-31


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