Problems of Demography and Declining Populations of Some Euroasiatic Brown Frogs
Skeletochronological examination included about 1200 individuals of 7 species of Euroasiatic brown frogs. The examined species are divided into two groups: short- and long-living species. The first group comprises Rana dalmatina, Rana amurensis, Rana chensinensis, and Rana asiatica. Rana arvalis, Rana macrocnemis, and Rana temporaria are referred to the second group. Life-span differences depend on habitation of the second-group species in mountains and in the North. Considerable time and space variations were noted in age structure of populations. It has been concluded that different strategies are required as well as the variegated demographic studies for conservation of species when their number is diminished depending on the features of their demographic characteristics.
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