Sexual Dimorphism and Reproduction in the Grass Lizard Takydromus septentrionalis

Xiang Ji, Wenhui Zhou, Xiaodong Zhang, Huiqing Gu


Sexual dimorphism and reproduction in a population of Takydromus septentrionalis on Xiushan Island of Zhoushan Islands group were investigated during the breeding seasons of 1989 – 1992. Most males and females, approximately two years after hatchling, reached sexual maturity at 54 and 57 mm SVL, respectively. Adult male and female T. septentrionalis were similar in SVL but quite different in the head size characteristics, males having larger heads than females of similar SVL except near the size of sexual maturity. Mating success in males was apparently not related to increased SVL. Males can copulate with females in several hours before or after oviposition. The duration of intromission averaged 227 min. Females can lay 1 – 3 clutches with 2 – 6 eggs each per season. Clutch size or clutch mass was significantly correlated with SVL and was not correlated with the clutch size. Relative clutch weight (RCW) averaged 0.149. Oviposition frequency averaged 16.7 days.


Lacertidae; Takydromus septentrionalis; sexual dimorphism; mating behavior; clutch weight; oviposition frequency

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