Social Behavior and Communication in Rock Agama Laudakia caucasia

Eugenyi N. Panov, Larissa Yu. Zykova


Field studies were conducted in different regions of Turkmenistan during spring and autumn seasons of 11 years. The bulk of data has been obtained in individually marked populations where ontogenetic trajectories of many lizards were followed through years, so that their ages and permanent sex partners were known. The communication is regarded as a systemic entity based on parallel information transmitting and exchange with simultaneous use of optical, tactile and chemical channels. Most signaling means described are, thus, of polymodal nature. Among interactions in which such signals preponderate is so-called Greeting Ceremony addressed regularly by the female(s) toward the male within the given stable, monogamous or polygynous, family group. It is supposed that in the rock agama settlement the stable olfactory field is developed that regulates spatial relations between the deme members. High stereotype and species-specific character are shown for the male Push-Up actions. Sharp difference in Push-Ups of Laudakia caucasia end L. erytrhrogastra does not prevent formation of mixed family groups in the sympatry zone of these species.


Agamidae; Laudakia caucasia; L. erythrogastra; species-specific communication system; polymodal signals; chemical signal field; stereotype optical signals; personal family bonds

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