A Cladistic Evaluation of the Cosmopolitan Genus Eumeces Wiegmann (Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae)

Hugh Griffith, André Ngo, Robert W. Murphy


A phylogenetic analysis of morphological characters shows that the scincid lizard genus Eumeces Wiegmann, 1834 is paraphyletic. East Asian and New World Eumeces form a clade referred to as the Pariocela section. A petition filed with the ICZN designates Lacerta fasciata Linnaeus 1758 as the type species of Eumeces, and, therefore, the Pariocela section retains the name Eumeces. Members of the schneiderii and taeniolatus species groups are more closely related to the genera Scincopus Peters and Scincus Laurenti than to other Eumeces. The taeniolatus species group is the sister group to the schneiderii species group plus Scincopus and Scincus, and requires generic status. Eurylepis Blyth, 1854 is the oldest available name for the taeniolatus group, and the schneiderii group is placed in a new genus. The three species of the Middle American schwartzei species group form a clade that cannot be associated with any other group of Eumeces and, therefore, they are also placed in a new genus.


Eumeces; Eurylepis; Mesoscincus; Novoeumeces; Scincidae; Scincus; Scincopus; Systematics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2000-7-1-1-16


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