Some Pecularities of Development in Two Populations of Salamandrella keyserlingii (Hynobiidae, Caudata)
We compared limb development and some other developmental features of Salamandrella keyserlingii in the Urals (Sverdlovkskaya region) and in the Far East (Ussuriisk district) from active feeding stages to metamorphosis. The Ussuriisk larvae at stages 34 – 39 are in general larger than those from the Urals. They are characterised by earlier bifurcation of the dorsal fold, by more rapid regression of the abdominal (ventral) fold, and by earlier regression of the balancers in comparison with Urals population. Both populations are distinguished also by the tempo of development and reduction of the fin between the first and second digits. Most differences between these populations can be explained by heterochrony. Some of them are probably larval adaptations connected with different environment and behaviour of larvae whereas other differences may be due to a closer relationship with the ancestor population.
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