A Redescription of the Ba Vi Water Skink Tropidophorus baviensis Bourret, 1939

André Ngo, Robert W. Murphy, Nikolai L. Orlov, Ilya S. Darevsky, Van Sang Nguyen


Tropidophorus baviensis was described from Ba Vi, Vietnam by René Bourret in 1939 based on one specimen. We collected a series of thirty one animals (Fig. 1) from the same location (Fig. 2) and provide a redescription of T. baviensis discussing the extent of morphological variation in this series. The holotype falls within the variation observed in our sample. All specimens were found in a road cut away from water. Interestingly, the females, of this species appear to invest parental care in their offspring, as all juveniles were accompanied by an adult female.


Scincidae; Tropidophorus; Vietnam

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2000-7-2-155-158


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