New Geographic Distribution Records of Zarudny’s Bent-Toed Gecko, Mediodactylus russowii zarudnyi Nikolsky, 1899 (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Iran

Barbod Safaei Mahroo, Hanyeh Ghaffari, Alireza Shahrdari Panah, Hadi Fahimi, Alireza Naderi, Siamak Bromand


Three new localities of Mediodactylus russowii zarudnyi, (Nikolsky, 1899) were recorded in Iran during field work in north Eastern regions of Iranian Central desert. Specimens were collected from Tooran protected area in Semnan Province, Eastern Iran in April 2011 and also June 2012. This is the 3th record of this species from Iran and also the first record of occurrence of Mediodactylus russowii zarudnyi from Semnan Province. The new localities of the species are situated about 350 kilometers west of the old locality and also 670 kilometers west of the type locality. As a result, the distribution range of Mediodactylus russowii zarudnyi has been extended.


Zarudny’s bent-toed gecko; Transcaspian Bent-toed Gecko; Mediodactylus russowii zarudnyi; Cyrtopodion russowii; Mediodactylus; Gekkonidae; new locality; distribution; Iran

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