Population Sizes of Taurus Frog, Rana holtzi, in Two Different Localities, Karagöl and Eğrıgöl: New Estimations, Decline, and a Warning for their Conservation
Various estimators of population size have been used for Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) studies although some considered to have limitations and under- or over-estimations. Reliable and accurate monitoring and estimation is necessary for effective management of threatened species in Turkey. We used three different CMR estimators, Petersen, Bailey (triple catch), and MARK to estimate the population size of critically endangered frog species, Rana holtzi in its terra typica, the Karagöl Lake vicinities, for 2003 and 2009 data. Of these estimators, Mark and Petersen give reliable and better results than the Bailey. At Karagöl, the Taurus frog population declined over a period of six years.We also estimated the population size of Eðrigöl locality, which is recently described but its low number was not given a hope for the species conservation.We also discussed the accuracy and limited use of Baileys (triple catch) by using our natural population data.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2010-17-4-247-250
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