Sexual Dimorphism of the Sand Viper (Vipera ammodytes L.) from the Central Part of Balkan Peninsula

Ljiljana Tomovic, Jelena Radojicic, Georg Dzukic, Milos L. Kalezic


Morphometric and meristic data of the sand viper (Vipera ammodytes L.) from the central part of Balkan Peninsula were analyzed in order to determine presence and degree of sexual dimorphism. The data were analysed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics. The two sexes differed in the following characters: tail length, head width, ventral and body width, as well as the number of subcaudal scales. At multivariate level, degree and pattern of sexual dimorphism varied among geographic groups belonging to different subspecies and in transitional contact zone of these two subspecies. Possible causes that might generate the revealed pattern of intergender differences are discussed.


sexual dimorphism; Sand Viper; Vipera ammodytes; the Balkans; geographic variation

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