Habitat Occupancy and Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Occurrence of Nyctibatrachus major (Boulenger) in Central Western Ghats, India

K. V. Gururaja, A. H. Manjunatha Reddy, J. Keshavayya, S. V. Krishnamurthy


Habitat feature and influence of abiotic factors on the occurrence of Nyctibatrachus major in the streams of central Western Ghats was studied by comparing microhabitat variables of the streams inhabited and those streams not inhabited by frogs. The study reveals the requirement of low concentration of carbon dioxide, alkalinity and high concentration of dissolved oxygen under low air, water and soil temperatures. Further, analysis of abiotic factors and density of the frog reveals that concentration of carbon dioxide in water directly influences on the occurrence of the species, while other factors in combinations determines the suitability of the habitat.


habitat; Nyctibatrachus major; abiotic factors; Western Ghats; India

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2003-10-2-87-92


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