Mass Occurrence of Polyploid Green Frogs (Rana esculenta Complex) in Eastern Ukraine

Leo J. Borkin, Alexey V. Korshunov, Georgiy A. Lada, Spartak N. Litvinchuk, Jury M. Rosanov, Dmitry A. Shabanov, Alexander I. Zinenko


In eastern Ukraine, the Rana esculenta complex consists of three species: R. lessonae, R. ridibunda, and hybrid R. esculenta. The first one was rare, whereas two latter frog taxa were very common. Based on DNA flow cytometry, mass occurrence of the triploidy in Rana esculenta has been revealed in 14 localities of Kharkov, Donetsk, and Lugansk Provinces. One hybrid specimen from Kharkov Province was tetraploid. All polyploids were recorded along the middle part of Seversky Donets River (above 450 km). Triploids comprised two groups with different genome composition (LLR and LRR), and were found in three types of population systems (E, R–E, and L–E–R). Geographic distribution of polyploidy in European green frogs is briefly outlined. Different methods of ploidy level identification are discussed. The chromosome count and nuclear DNA cytometry provide the most reliable data.


hybridogenetic frogs; triploidy; tetraploidy; Rana esculenta complex; DNA flow cytometry; Ukraine

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