A Histological Study on Hepatic Structure of Lyciasalamandra arikani (Urodela: Salamandridae)

Esra Akat, Bayram Göçmen


The liver is one of the most important internal organ in the body. It plays a prominent role in many processes in the body, particularly those concerned with its metabolism (protein synthesis, storage metabolites, bile secretion and detoxification). This report represents the histological characterization of liver Lyciasalamandra arikani, endemic salamander to Turkey. Hematopoietic tissue structures were examined in the connective tissue of the perihepatic regions. The liver of L. arikani probably possesses immunologic capabilities due to the presence of lymphocytes in the perihepatic regions. The hepatic lobules consisted of both hepatocytes and sinusoidal blood capillary networks, in which hepatocyte-sinusoidal structures were formed. The hepatocytes were polygonal and had a rounded nucleus. There is a lot of differing content of melanin containing cells in the hepatic parenchyma. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining method showed large glycogen deposits in the clusters of melanin granules. These melano-macrophage centers probably act significant role in organs of heterothermic vertebrates including providing energy and protection against pathogens due to fact that heterothermic vertebrates can produce energy slowly and so are torpid related the blood flow rate at low temperatures.


liver; histology; amphibian; hepatocyte; Kupffer cell; melano-macrophage centers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2014-21-3-201-204


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