
Issue Title
Vol 16, No 3 (2009) An Annotated Type Catalogue of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Museum of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Abstract  PDF
Valeriy Vedmederya, Oleksandr I. Zinenko, Andrei V. Barabanov
Vol 12 (2005): Supplement: Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica The Red Data Book of Ul’yanovsk Oblast’: Amphibians and Reptiles  PDF
V. Krivosheev
Vol 8, No 2 (2001) Development and Morphology of the Dentition in the Asian Salamander, Ranodon sibiricus (Urodela: Hynobiidae) Abstract  PDF
Anna B. Vassilieva, Sergei V. Smirnov
Vol 23, No 1 (2016) The Male Urogenital System of the Siberian Salamander Salamandrella keyserlingii (Caudata: Hynobiidae) with Special Reference to the Microstructure of the Testes and Sperm Transport Complex Abstract  PDF
Vadim V. Yartsev, Valentina N. Kuranova, Galina S. Martynova
Vol 17, No 1 (2010) A Review of Tailed Amphibian Remains from Late Cenozoic Sediments of the East European Plain Abstract  PDF
Vyacheslav Yu. Ratnikov
Vol 12 (2005): Supplement: Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica Growth of Brown Frogs of Fauna of Russia: Some Problems of Study of Growth in Amphibians Abstract  PDF
V. G. Ishchenko
Vol 7, No 2 (2000) New Data on Amphibians and Reptiles Distribution in the Russian Far East Abstract  PDF
E. V. Adnagulov, I. G. Tarasov, V. V. Gorobeiko
Vol 23, No 1 (2016) Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro: Paraguay’s First Important Area for the Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles? Abstract  PDF
Paul Smith, Karina Atkinson, Jean-Paul Brouard, Helen Pheasey
Vol 17, No 2 (2010) First Report on the Herpetofauna of Pulau Pangkor, Perak, Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Chan Kin Onn, Johan van Rooijen, L. Lee Grismer, Daicus Belabut, Mohd. Abdul Muin Md. Akil, Jamaludin Hamidi, Rick Gregory, Ahmad Norhayati
Vol 12 (2005): Supplement: Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica Eleven Years of Monitoring: Amphibian Populations in an Agricultural Landscape near Bonn (Germany)  PDF
M. Hachtel, P. Schmidt, U. Sander, D. Tarkhnishvili, K. Weddeling, W. Böhme
Vol 6, No 1 (1999) Herpetofauna of the Pur Region of the Yamalo-Nenetskiy Autonomous Area Abstract  PDF
I. Y. Yumashev
Vol 23, No 1 (2016) Species Richness of Montane Herpetofauna of Southern Eastern Ghats, India: A Historical Resume and a Descriptive Checklist Abstract  PDF
S. R. Ganesh, M. Arumugam
Vol 17, No 3 (2010) Descriptions of the Advertisement Calls of Some Bornean Frogs Abstract  PDF
Jeet Sukumaran, Indraneil Das, Alexander Haas
Vol 12 (2005): Supplement: Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica Return Rates and Long-Term Capture History of Amphibians in an Agricultural Landscape near Bonn (Germany)  PDF
M. Hachtel, D. Ortmann, A. Kupfer, U. Sander, P. Schmidt, K. Weddeling
Vol 5, No 1 (1998): Proceedings of the First Asian Herpetological Meeting. Part 1 Survey of Amphibians of Mengla County, Xishuang Banna, Southern Yunnan Province  PDF
Kou Zhi-tong
Vol 22, No 1 (2015) In vitro Fertilization with Hormonally Induced Sperm and Eggs from Sharp-Ribbed Newts Pleurodeles waltl Abstract  PDF
V. Uteshev, S. Kaurova, N. Shishova, S. Stolyarov, R. Browne, E. Gakhova
Vol 17, No 4 (2010) Declines of Amphibian Populations in North and Central Mongolia Abstract  PDF
Sergius L. Kuzmin
Vol 12 (2005): Supplement: Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica The Effects of Density on Mortality and Development of the Bufo bufo Eggs and Tadpoles  PDF
E. Dmitrieva
Vol 3, No 2 (1996) Problems of Demography and Declining Populations of Some Euroasiatic Brown Frogs Abstract  PDF
V. G. Ishchenko
Vol 21, No 4 (2014) First Report of the Herpetofauna of Phi Phi Archipelago, Andaman Sea, Thailand Abstract  PDF
Konstantin D. Milto
Vol 18, No 3 (2011) The Amphibian Fauna of Lata Bukit Hijau, Kedah, Malaysia Abstract  PDF
Shahrudin Shahriza
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